People sleeping rough will have somewhere warm to stay overnight this Winter as Canterbury Community Shelter is able to go ahead.
Catching Lives was unable to run its winter shelter last year due to lack of funds.
Tasmin Maitland, Chief Executive of Catching Lives, said: “It’s great news that we can go ahead this year supported by a £10,000 grant from Canterbury City Council and thanks to people giving generously to our Winter Fundraising Appeal last year.
“However, it is terrible that so many people have to sleep rough and that there is still the need for this service. We’ll be working with the Council, Porchlight and other partners to help people move on from the Shelter into housing.”

Catching Lives has secured enough funding to go ahead with the overnight shelter from mid-December but needs additional support to see it through until mid-March. World Homeless Day (October 10) saw the launch of the Catching Lives Winter Appeal 2024-2025, which aims to raise £50,000 for the charity.
Tasmin added: “We still need help to deliver our seven-day-a-week services, day and night.
“We want to raise £50,000 towards opening the Shelter for three months and to keep our Day Centre services running through winter and beyond.”
People can donate to Catching Lives’ Winter Appeal via a JustGiving campaign page here.
Canterbury Community Shelter is run by Catching Lives in partnership with local churches and community partners. This winter, Canterbury Cathedral, St Paul's, Canterbury Baptist Church, St Peter's Methodist, St Dunstan's, St Thomas of Canterbury, St Mary Bredin and Canterbury Umbrella are taking part.
Reverend Dr Emma Pennington, Canterbury Cathedral’s Canon Missioner, said: "Having donated £5400pa to help fund meals at Catching Lives for many years, we're pleased to extend our support this winter by hosting the winter shelter in the Cathedral Precincts."
Catching Lives is in the process of recruiting a Shelter Coordinator. We will start recruiting evening staff, waking night staff, evening volunteers and volunteer drivers (both evenings and mornings) soon – see our website and socials for updates.
The shelter will run from mid-December to mid-March.